WARNING: If you are on a mobile device, the experiment will terminate if you hit next. If you want to participate, close your browser now. You may retake it on a computer or laptop.
Contact achkhaid@ucsd.edu for issues.
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in our study. In the next page, you will see a consent form. Please read it, and indicate if you agree to participate. This experiment takes about 15 minutes and you will receive 0.5 credits.
Please, read the consent form on the next page and check "I agree" if you decide to participate.
Now we will tell you what you will be doing in the experiment. After you read and understood the instructions, click 'I'm ready, let's start! ' whenever you feel ready to begin the study.
In this experiment, you will read a paragraph. After you read the paragraph, click the button, in the next screen you will be asked to answer several questions about the paragraph you've read.
What is the role of a police officer in Addison?
Please copy the part of the report that was most influential and paste it in the text area below.
What do you think the experiment is about?
Add a row for every country you have lived in for more than a year
Add a row for every language you speak.